Just A Renter
Ten thousand yuppies just moved here
Ten thousand others came last year
The rent has doubled since I moved in
Each month I take it on the chin
Each month I wonder how many more
Can I stay in Portland before
Before I move into my car
Or end up somewhere behind bars
Ten thousand yuppies say don’t complain
Now that the city is in the fast lane
It’s just the market and it knows best
That’s how the bankers built the west
So just get rich and you can stay
Otherwise just go away
There’s no room here for us
Holding on under the bus
I’m just a renter, this ain’t my town
Might as well just burn it down
For all I care
Ten thousand yuppies think it’s great
To invest in Portland real estate
“Keep Portland weird” they like to say
But that was over yesterday
Of their achievements they’re so proud
Living lives in some cloud
But unlimited data will get you nowhere
If you can’t afford to care
Ten thousand yuppies and on each block
They’re flipping houses and taking stock
Where’s the next place they can transform
Tents and mansions, the new norm
They like Ted Talks, they like greed
They like wine bars, they like weed
They like bike lanes, they want more
They’re the face of the new class war