They’re Planning to Steal the Election

I’ve always thought of it like corporate twins
Whoever loses the election, the government wins
But what’s happening now, this ridiculous scheme
Like a mad kleptocrat’s dream
A whole Executive branch entirely led
By completely unqualified, acting heads
Things are moving further in an alarming direction
They’re planning to steal the election

The future, at this point, is anyone’s guess
As they come to dismantle the USPS
Spreading lies they don’t try to explain
Only the completely corrupt or criminally insane
Could make sense of Georgia and the poll station scenes
Or how they’re coming to take all the sorting machines
That they’d need if they hadn’t already made their selection
They’re planning to steal the election

They got rid of anyone with any skills
And left the posts vacant or replaced them with shills
For an unaccountable man at the top
And his armies of spies and soldiers and cops
Openly plotting some kind of coup
Not in some backroom like they usually would do
To see it you don’t need much of an inspection
They’re planning to steal the election

Whatever might happen to this corporate crook
No one will be heeding the rules in the book
As they ignore the pandemic, shoot from the hip
Seize yet another Iranian ship
Perhaps the stock market crashes, then we’ll see
If the madmen in power start World War 3
You needn’t be so good at bullshit detection
They’re planning to steal the election