Spring/Summer 2020
Mike Africa, Jr and I tour Europe! The basic plan will be to tour Britain and Ireland from March 1-20, and to tour Scandinavia and perhaps other parts of Europe from April 15 through May 7. Please contact me if you might be up for organizing a gig!

Dear Europe:
Meet Mike Africa, Jr. Mike is a brilliant hiphop artist and public speaker. He’s also an expert gardener, father of four, and many other things, but the hiphop and public speaking is the main focus here at the moment. Here’s a recent music video, shot in his home city of Philadelphia.
Mike was born in a prison cell, where both of his parents spent his first 40 years. Now his parents are out. Mike’s ready to go on his first tour of Europe, and I’m booking it.
So for the moment, this is just to put out initial feelers. The idea is to tour throughout April, ending with May 1st. Where in Europe the tour will go will depend on response to this proposal — write me at drovics@gmail.com if you’re interested. At this point it’s all very flexible in terms of whether you book us together as a double bill, or just book Mike without me on the stage as either a performer or speaker, or both.
Here’s the body of an email I’ve been sending around to folk high schools in Denmark. Please feel free to share it with anyone who might be relevant!