Cannabis Cafe

I wish I was up in Vancouver
At the Cannabis Cafe
Smoking good old sensemelia
At the beginning of the day

But here I am in New York City
Hiding out in Central Park
Getting kidnapped by the police
Today sometime before dark


The judge looked down upon me, frowing
He said, “kid, get on your way
“Just don’t start out your morning
“With espresso and a j”


I hitched a ride out to Portland
Caught one up to B.C.
Took a bus over to Hastings Street
To have a bowl with my coffee


“Cannabis Cafe” originally appeared on the 1998 CD, We Just Want the World, and also in 2000 on Live at Club Passim.

North America has come a long way since the Cannabis Cafe opened and closed in Vancouver, British Columbia. Marijuana legalization has been a long road in both Canada and the United States, and an important step in that process were places like the Cannabis Cafe, which challenged marijuana policies by existing.