Puritan Slaughter

Once again they’re asking why it happened
Like people have been wondering since 1694
After hanging all the women at the gallows
In the midst of the colonial wars
Far south of New England, in the city of Atlanta
Where the Grim Reaper descended
Here in the land of Puritan slaughter
Where the Witch Trials never ended

Once again they’re asking why it happened
The cop said he was having a bad day
After eight people died in three mass shootings
You’d think he might have something else to say
But not here in this nation of pogroms
That you can hear daily defended
In this land of Puritan slaughter
Where the Witch Trials never ended

Once again they’re asking why it happened
All of these Asian women killed
By a Bible-thumping gun nut
Enforcing God’s will
He was on his way to Florida
When he was finally apprehended
In this land of Puritan slaughter
Where the Witch Trials never ended

Once again they’re asking why it happened
They’ll keep asking again and again
In this colonized country
Founded by Christian con men
Barging in, guns a-blazing
For so long, so many lives rended
In this land of Puritan slaughter
Where the Witch Trials never ended