Welcome to the Working Class
The average annual income of the richest one percent is about seven hundred grand
The average annual income of the poorest one percent is a couple Food Stamps and a pile of sand
Smack-dab in the middle, 350 thousand, but that’s actually the top four percent
Most everybody else, say, in the bottom eighty, is struggling to pay their mortgage or their rent
You who say you’re in the middle, I wonder what you mean? In the middle of what and what?
I’d say you’re probably full of something that hopefully will soon be coming out of your butt
I could join you in your fantasy, but I think I’ll have to pass
And just say welcome to the working class
If you’re wondering how you might send your kids to college, if your savings is smaller than your debt
If your main mode of transport is an auto or a pickup, not a helicopter or a private jet
If you drive yourself to the supermarket, you know where to find the milk upon the shelf
If you bring the groceries home and then you cook the food all by yourself
If your idea of a night out is ordering a pizza and watching a DVD
If your idea of social mobility is the fact that you have broadband and a high-definition TV
You can try to convince me that you’re in the bourgeoisie or you could just stop smoking that grass
Welcome to the working class
If half your income’s spent on taxes, no second home on a tropic isle
If flying in economy and renting a car is your notion of vacationing in style
If you’ve never seen the world’s Seven Wonders and you think you probably never will
Because you only get two weeks holiday each year and you just don’t have the time to kill
If you think because you’ve got a job and you have a roof over your heads
That you’ve attained such privilege because your kids can sleep in separate beds
But you can’t afford the rest home for your parents and it’s you whose gotta wipe their asses
Well then welcome to the working class
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“Welcome to the Working Class” appears on the 2014 Bandcamp album, All the News That’s Fit to Sing.
The US media, US politicians, and others only refer to US people as “middle class,” unless they’re either homeless or extremely rich. Everything in between is “the middle.” In other countries they talk about the working class as something that exists, but not in America. This is song is an effort to define class.